Protecting Trees And Shrubs


Protecting Your Trees And Shrubs By Lance Walheim Bayer Advanced Garden Expert RA Ses! (NAPSA)—Planting new trees and shrubs can enhance the beauty and value of your home. The Lawn Institute says home- owners may realize a 15-percent increase in property value from a well-maintained landscape. What’s more, the U.S. Department of Energy says properly placed trees and shrubs can dramatically lower your air conditioning andheatingbills. Keeping trees and shrubs healthy can save homeowners hundreds or even thousands of dollars if the cost for a professional tree service to cut down even onetree is considered. Here are some tips for maintaining healthy trees and shrubs: Mulch: Apply three to four inches of organic mulch around the base of shrubs and young trees to cool the soil, reduce weeds and conserve moisture. Water Insect Control_ PKills insects & prevents new infestations te. |Properly: If the top three to six inches of soil | is dry, it’s usujally time to water. Be sure *) to water deeply. Prune Correctly: Thin branches to enhance the natural shape. Do not cut major tree limbs, leaving large stubs. Control Pests: Be aware that damaged or discolored as ween eae Experts say properly placed trees and shrubs can dramatically lower air conditioning and heating bills. leaves, dying limbs and oozing wounds could be signs that the tree is under attack from insects or disease. Preventing insect damage is better than dealing with insect problems. A product called Bayer Advanced Garden Tree and Shrub Insect Control is said to protect against aphids, borers, Japanese and leaf beetles, leafhoppers, leaf miners, scales, thrips and others. One application protects for up to 12 months, which is longer than many other products. There is no need for spraying. Just mix with water and pour around the base of the tree or shrub. Other Bayer Advanced products can help when you are planting trees and shrubs and growing them. To learn more, visit the Web site at or by call 1-877-BAYERAG.