Spotlight On Sunwear


ONAPS)}—Aprime fashion accessory for the season may be right in front of your eyes. Sunglasses are bigger than ever, for both fashion and health reasons—and new shapes, colors and styles mean more options than ever before. Sunglasses can be fashion- able, but protecting your eyes should be a top priority. Sunglasses fall inte three broad categories: fashion, sport and functional—and in all three, eyecare professionals recommend making quality a priority. Here are some tips for accenting your spring and summer wardrobes with eyewear: * First, gel an eye exam. Rou- tine eye exams are the best way to protect your vision. * Insist on adequate UV protection. According to Rene Soltis, spokeswoman for Vision Council of America, “You should avoid purchasing evewear from street vendors because there is no assurance the eyewear will protect against UVrays.” * Remember to consider eye protection as well as fashion when choosing lens color. Gray tint offers good protection against sun and glare; araber tint can imaprove contrast, allowing for better definition in haze; and red, blue and purple tints give a strong contrast and are helpful in some sports, such as birdwatching and hunting. For more information, visit the Better Vision Institute Web site at