Finding The Right Business Permits And Licenses Made Easier


va wn a et ere H ti siee ges bau: i Ne Not Finding The Right u Business Permits And Licenses Made Easier (NAPSA)—The good news for small and medium-sized businesses that need to obtain a permit or license to operate is an expanded Website that provides a single source for obtaining what they need. Permit Me— A new Web site makes finding the right license less of a challenge. The site,, has a new “Permit Me” feature that allows businesses to navigate to a single destination and presents a list of licensing and permit resources across all the federal, state and local domains., which is man- aged by the U.S. Small Business Administration, also includes “Feature Topics” focusing on common business concerns and providing context to the compliance information on the site. Feature Topics help business owners understand, in plain language, the regulatory requirements their businesses face. To learn more, visit www.busi Ness. gov.