A Quick Quiz On The Selective Service


Selective Service (NAPSA)—Here’s a quick quiz on things you should know about the Selective Service System: 1) Young men living in the United States must register when they: a) turn 18, b) turn 12, c) enter high school or d) graduate from high school. Answer: a) turn 18. It’s the law and it covers nearly everyone, not just citizens. 2) The Selective Service can collect information about a per- son’s immigration status: a) True b) False Registering with the Selective Service can open the door to jobs, education and citizenship. Answer: b) False. The Selective Service does not collect or report information about a person’s immigration status. Immigrant men are required to register no matter their status. 3) Failing to register makes a person ineligible for: a) federal student loans, b) citizenship, c) federal job training programsor d) all of the above. Answer: d) All of the above. In somestates,failing to register can also make a personineligible for a driver’s license. To learn more, visit www.sss.gov or call (888) 6551825.