Free Information


(NAPSA)—Here’s a fact you may want to learn more about: A federal program helps provide a nationwide network of libraries with the tools they need to keep America informed. The U.S. Government Printing Office administers the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), which was established by Congressto ensure that the public ay) Free | Dedicated | Limitless Free information on a variety of topics is available from the Federal Depo: ry Library Program. hasaccess to governmentinformation. The program sends information from all three government branches to about 1,200 libraries nationwide. Federal depository libraries offer free information on health and nutrition,laws,statistics and presidential materials, science and technology, business and careers, education, history and world maps. The program's slogan is “Easy as FDL: , Dedicated Service, Limitless Possibilities.” For more information, visit www.gpo.govilibraries.