Testicular Cancer: Early Detection Is Key


Early Detection Is Key (NAPSA\_When found early, lesticular cgnesr is ane of the treet Urea Torme oh nce Sith an overall eure le ah a6 can "Testicularanycancer Peraenl.in malesal 250 nla Gssur frg infants and elderly men. How Seen Seo ite yearsmal ald common in males "The main risklecicvlar factorforcancer the developmentaf is‘ohaundescended testicle). Men hae = fry historyof le [har career snd thas ho have 2ahase persgral higlary of had teeicular (men wha haw conasr Irons livare aan creed Fak ferdevatoping cancerin he Gthorvare alee st rick, White ‘Americas males are ais core: SE sth The rinkAmericans af tstcar rearamongwhile Five times higher than thal of Alscan american By prmelcing erly detection,of mentoincrene The hanes Finding testicular sxrecrin ile Galea, marl ircalable sages ‘Short mon shad ool per form a wanthall simple Leaticular uaminaiton (TSE)la diserany Dhysial changer or sbrovmailine ae hav taore por formorjfarmation 3 SE Sod om anlesion