Teacher Creates Cold Remedy For Air Travelers


(NAFSACatch allen air, thies™ Ua thetea“risndly planes? eSoft Eiemra Wille fisndly these ‘Airborne ae alone, code According the"You're FAR, al catching on|e planes haz become theover leading Reslth concern at the 608 millon people win My each pear Gnenmpercisl sidines, Oregrade tar Thorn Calilarnts nocand lade, however deine pro whichle have = product devclaped leely ling pessengers (rom Sichingcde Sefight, Snesr=of The produc, an elfervesoel bal Suara! arteonne, arespprapeialely Utd‘TheSupplement majarsihnad proelice of raging cabin sna col sat Alrborne Inventar-tesener (Redaure, Fas been shawn in EPR letra nigrtmepowel Hludies lg epresd germs and Sietesuch oe the common drug andsodUaeelstores aboutthe Inflacren, and lubereona end untey tas became ane af hein Ing oan incrnse in seeker sick iBsteal selling new praducts nee and complaints. report Fatshistery Aang kuna are ke the sportySanlesa in the American Dublihed Prlesiaal aed folof Bpidemualogy cee 30Jour i= WWiGisnis Prancises Gent where 12 pareceof icine Bera, ard cstriin Revin Case. ters arah lossies Parker and conracled Pessengers Frat wae directly Uracedinflucres lo-one Bruce ii Researching her formula 2 pemenger HenightMcDowall Look yor passenger. Sith iafeclinus meningdied learned thai hortaller disembarking an El Thora wars nocurrent standards Fl Might at Newark Intemational far air quality an commercial Rights and that prebibiting sick “Fctria Keight-McDovell, 40, a PascengsrscallfromTellTying 2trey, sendCalifornia, grade leacherwagfomsickHiof Jeigenenl lickel fo up agental Ube iedivdaalain Siching exlde in the dazeroam FRamding Ug Iaderal regulars Sed an aigplanasseer, Limeshe aye rightMebbwel, the air Toesind Tinesaan'slapcommon cd su cutest fed anything nthe martat Lo help me, aT a Fever trom fying: Bul even ta crates natural ld pe Lesined physician aan be hard SUL Sentstive [tal wad alow me ly Premed fo distinguish the com arlinue leching and which trvclirg Hier protust, aicearne, a Rion cold fram amare tevious Bina Tf aaluralIngredignte tn TAlRgoRNE costs $5.99 for 2 com affersensnt Label wae fet ute of 10 deus and con be Utebaled among hllaw laches feud at800-396-9704. most drug lores or by nd Trom aneles) drugelare te sling aineoant Boemals te anderonline stAte TatericanCalifornia, be fund inPeo ver years S08 Shiba feenctfeath ca