More Convenient Testing For Better Diabetes Control


For Better Diabetes Conirol (NAPSA)—Researchersare trying to solve an everyday—but vital—issue for the 18.2 million Americans living with diabetes: the pain and inconvenience associated with regular blood glucose testing. The American Diabetes Association recommendsthat people on insulin with diabetes test at least four times daily. Proper testing can be particularly difficult with today’s busy lifestyles—when you’re on the run, late at night, in public or other situations where you want testing to be quick and unobtrusive. Now, a new, more compact meter—the world’s smallest—is available that you can easily use anywhere you go. This little meter is only threeinches long, which makes testing easier and more discreet. It has a built-in test light and backlit display so you can even use it in a darkened theater or to test children while they’re sleeping. It has several custom alarms, so you can make sure you'll rememberto test at the appropriate times. Not only is the FreeStyle Flash the smallest available glucose meter, it requires the world’s A new blood-glucose monitor is less painful and easier to use. smallest blood sample—0.3 microliters. Its innovative technology gives you accurate and precise blood glucose readings with a sample the size of a pinhead. It not only lets you test on the fingers, it also gives you the most choices of other, less sensitive areas, including the forearm and hand.In clinical studies, most people said testing on their forearms with the device was painless. The meter is available in most major drugstore chains. To learn more, go to or call toll-free 1-888-522-5226.