New Resource For Those With Diabetes


Bulletin A New Resource For Those With Diabetes (NAPSA)—Aresource center has been created to help people with diabetes manage the major changes now being implemented by Medicare. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) has launched a Medicare Resource Center to help people with diabetes navigate the new Medicare prescription drug ie A new resource center has been created to help those with diabetes deal with the changes to the Medicare drug benefit. benefit program in particular. The ADA is committed to en- suring that all Americans with diabetes have access to affordable and adequate health coverage. To help, the organization is pro- viding comprehensive and userfriendly information, including a two-page document: What You Should Know About Diabetes and the Upcoming Changes to Medicare. Seniors who decide to participate in a Part D Medicare plan must do so by May 15, 2006 or face a significant premium after enrollment. For more information, go to or call (800) DIABETES.