Tips For The Time Starved


YourWeight wv And Fate Tips For The Time Starved (NAPSA)—There’s a reason so many womenfail at dieting. Simply, they don’t have the time. Susan Burke, Chief Nutritionist at, offers this advice: Eat less, more often: Smaller, simple, frequent meals can help you maintain your energy while you’re on the go. Take it light: Opt for low-fat and low-calorie grilled or broiled foods over fried; they are generally easier to prepare. Avoid cream-based sauces. Use timesaving devices: A countertop grill is convenient, quick and easy to use to prepare healthy meals in a flash. Microwave vegetables, covered, without water. Take advantage of meal replacements: A variety of nutritious and tasty meal replacement bars, shakes and snacksare avail- able from Slim-Fast’. Strategize snacks: Carry select portions of such healthy snacksas fresh or dried fruit, crudits, dry cereal, rice cakes or pretzels. Eat out wisely: Share an entre or have a salad and an appetizer for your main course. Try a frozen entre: Just be sure sodium is under 800 milligrams per serving and fat grams are less than 30 percent of the Recommended Daily Value. This can help you save time and reducecalories.