Thirty-Five: The New Number For Dieters


Thirty-Five: The New NumberFor Dieters (NAPSA)—Whateverdiet fad is being dished out, odds are it says to avoid some key ingredient— whetherit’s fat, sugar or carbohy- drates. But now a leading health expert is telling us all to eat more of something instead: fiber. And PBS apparently thinks enough of her advice that it’s airing a TV special based on her new book. “Today, if a scientist working in a secret laboratory discovered a nutrient, one of the greatest dis- Health expert Brenda Watson explains the pounds-shedding effects of her hot, new “Fiber35” diet. Watson, C.N.C., the author of controls hunger, which reduces Watson, an expert on natural digestive support, internal cleans- makesit easierto eatless. gramsof fiber they need each day. because fiber is all natural and ‘new’ ingredient called fiber, it would be hailed as a miracle coveries of all time,” says Brenda “The Fiber35 Diet: Nature’s Weight Loss Secret” (Free Press). ing and detoxification, says Americans get only about half of the 35 She maintains that it’s this fiber shortage that has led to skyrock- eting obesity rates and associated diseases. The best-selling author’s new book outlines a program for eating more fiber, shedding pounds and keeping those poundsoff, and was written with Dr. Leonard Smith, M.D. WhyFiber? If you’ve been on a weight-loss program,it’s likely you’ve battled constant cravings and low energy levels—and eventually regained the weight you lost. Watson says that fiber and fiber-rich foods help dieters avoid those pitfalls in three ways: First, fiber regulates blood sugar levels, which helps maintain energy levels. Second, it cravings. And third, fiber increases feelings of fullness, which “If you eat more fiber, you'll feel full and satisfied and you won't binge,” says Watson. “And found in fruits, vegetables and other healthful foods, you'll be eating the way Mother Nature intended.” Turning The Page Watson’s book brings charm and wit into frank discussions about natural health. But perhaps more important, it offers a detailed, three-phase plan to help readers get their daily 35 gramsof fiber and a better handle on weight. “IT wrote this book to help Americans battle obesity and cut their risk of developing heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, dia- betes, cancer and a host of other conditions,” explains Watson. For more information, visit