Resolve To Live A Healthier In the New Year


Live a Healthier Life Na rte eto kes one step at a time to get results thatlast. Try these simple and easy waysto improveyour health. Eat Healthy Exercise Regularly Drink 8 glasses of water a day Walking 5 waysto healthier eating Eat more fruits and vegetables Manageportionsizes Skiplate-night snacking Read foodlabels 5 exercises that don’t need equipment Jogging Dancing Jumpingjacks Push ups Aas ONE. Don’t Smoke Stay Active occasional smoking is harmful your day to promote better health tips to quit because even Seek adoctor’s advice 5 waysto stay active throughout Try counseling e Take the stairs Bike to work Seektools to quit smoking Get up from your desk ‘ Use mobile phone apps Park awayfrom entrances Trynicotine replacementproducts Walk to nearbyactivities .. and Stay Healthy Schedule regular medical checkups, keepvaccinationsupto date, and geta flu shot each year. Join the nationwide effort to prevent and control chronic diseases EdeVadatlalatetalshag) Learn more at Fundingforthis project was made possible by the Centers for Disease Control and Preventionthrough DP14-1418: National Implementation and Dissemination for Chronic Disease Prevention. The views expressed in written materials or publications do not necessarily reflectthe official policies of the Departmentof Health and Human Services, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsementby the U.S. Government. FO oiGeaammo a BS dhipe National wic “Association ea (NAPSA)—Afew simple steps (including taking moresteps) can help you to a healthierlifestyle and a longer, evenhappierlife.