Sisters Together: Move More, Eat Better


(NAPSA)—Obesity is a serious health problem in the United States. Morethan onein three U.S. adults have obesity and that numberincreases to more than half—57 percent—among US. black women.Research has shown, that excess weight may contribute to high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, kidneydisease, heart disease and certain kindsofcancer. Tohelp address the problem of obe- sity, the National Institute of Diabe- tes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) has updated the program guide for the popular national health awareness program.It encourages black womento reach and maintain a healthy weight by being more physically active and makinghealthierfood choices. Being more physically active and making healthier food choices can be easier when you doit with friends. sustain a program. The guide includes sample forms, e-mails and social media + Recent data regarding African Ameri- posts that users can copy and modify to suit their specific needs. While the resources are aimed at black women regular physical activity and healthy food choices amongblack women to promotethe “move more,eat better” message among women, youths or men ofanyage,race, ethnicity or community. grams developed by different groups as a pilot program conducted by the program in Boston. Based on the success of the pilot program, WIN created the program guide and otherresources to support the development oflocal Sisters The NIDDK updated the Sisters ‘Together program guide to include: can obesity rates + Evidence-based strategies to promote + Highlights from Sisters Together pro- around the country + Tips to create a budget to fund a Information on how to grow and manage program interest using social media Steps to help evaluate and sustain a program + A sample in-kind donation requestletter andother forms. ‘The NIDDKencourages anyone who sees a needin his or her community to considerstartinga Sisters Together pro- gram.The program guideis a free digi- tal resource,available from the NIDDK website,that offers information on how to develop, promote, fund, evaluate and ages 18 andolder, they can be adapted Sisters Together began in 1994 NIDDK’s Weight-control Information Network (WIN) and several partners Together programs nationwide. Over the past 20 years,local groupsacross the country have formedpartnerships with health centers, local media, recreation centers and other groups to start new Sisters Together programs. Learn More For further information, visit sisters-together-program-guide.