Could You Have Hypothyroidism?


SS spomont on health oom SAA RR _ Could You Have Hypothyroidism? (NAPSA)—According to the Thyroid Foundation of America, 14.65 millon Americans suffer fromthyroid problems, more than half of them undiagnosed. The majority--70 percent—have hypothyroidism, a disorder in which the thyroid fails to produce enough thyroxine, slowing the metabolism and causing symptoms such as cold intolerance, weight gain and fatioue. “When your ti hyroidiis not funetioning proper ly, it can affect nearly every system to your body,” 8. I've been experiencing says James E. Griffin, MD, Chief, Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. “Fortunately, it’s rel- atively easy to fix.” Diagnosed with a simple blood test, a dysfunctional thyroid can be progrverly regulated with a prescribed replacement thyroid borracne such as Unithroid” Cevothyroxine sodium tablets, USP), the first brand recognized by the Food and Drug Administration as a safe and effective treatment for hypo- hyroidism, having demonstrated consistent potency, stability and dose preportionality. vr Are you one of the millions o ref Americans who suffer from hypothyroidism and don’t knowit? The quiz below outlines generally recognized symptoms of hypothyroidisrs. Your responses will guide you as to whether it’s appropriate to talk with your doctor about thyroid disease. 1. I frequentlyfeel cold. Y WN 2. My eyes are puffy. Y WN 3. lve heen trying to lose lose weight andIecan’t. Y WN 4. I feel tired and lethargic even after a full night's sleep. 5. My muscles ache and cramp. 6. I have thinning hair or hairloss. 7. feel depressed these days. Y WN Y N Y WN Y WN abnormal menstrual eycles. Y WN 9. Tam frequently constipated. Y N id. T havedry, patchy skin. Y N if you are concerned about any of these symptoms, ask your doctor about the possibility of hypothryroidism. Please read the Safety Information below for risks associated with the use of Unithroid™. Por full Prescribing Information, please call Watson customer support at (800) 249-5499. References on file with Watson Pharma, inc. Safety Information *Unithroid is contraindicated in patients with untreated thyYotoxicosis, acute myocardial infaretion, uneorrected adrenal insuffi- ciency or hypersensitivity to any of its inactive ingredients. Should not be used to treat infertility unless condition is associated with hypothyroidisra. *Use with caution in patients with cardiovascular disease. * Adverse reactions are primarily those of hyperthyroidism due to overdose, such as palpitations, arrhythmias, heat mtolerance, weight loss, trernors, nervousness, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, fatigue, headache and menstrual irregularities. * Reactions to productt exerpients, such as rashor urticaria, mayoccur. *Partial hair loss that may oceur during initial months of therapyis generally transient. ET,