Resources For Women With Sjogren's Syndrome


For Women With Sjogren’s Syndrome Home | Living withDryMouth | Is DrynessaProblem For You? | Spotlight Resource : iP a SS F 7 ea) Pe (NAPSA)—Do you have persistent dry mouth? You may beone of an estimated four million people, 90 percent of whom are women, Is Dryness a Problem for You? includes a brief questionnaire that can be completed and shared with your health care autoimmunedisease called Sjgren’s syndrome (SS). People with SS can experience symptoms that Resources provides an additional outlet to visit to learn more about SS. Join the Moisture Network allows visitors to sign up for sup- suffering from a little-known mimic other conditions, which makes diagnosis difficult—often taking up to 10 years. Now there is a new Website,, designed to educate you about SS. The Website offers tools to help you recognize symptoms, tips to man- age the disease, as well as infor- mation on potential treatment options. Website features include: Living with the Dry Mouth Symptoms of Sjgren’s Syndrome offers tips for relief and information on howto recognize symptoms. provider. plementary information. “The Sjgren’s Syndrome Foundation’s mission is to raise public awareness,” says Steven Taylor, Chief Executive Officer, Sjgren’s Syndrome Foundation. “That’s why we are so pleased that gives people a great way to get the facts about this condition and hopefully, get diagnosed sooner.” Visit today. The Web site is sponsored by Daiichi Sankyo,Inc. —e eee eee eee eee eee oe ee eee eee Note to Editors: This article was funded and reviewed by Daiichi Sankyo, Ine.