Stop The Snore: Sleep Apnea Action Urgent For Those At Risk


ae Le a ge Stop The Snore: Sleep Apnea Action Urgent For Those At Risk Life-Threatening Sleep Illness Afflicts at Least 25 Million Aericans and Counting (NAPSA)—The nation’s sleep experts agree: obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)—a potentially lifethreatening disease involving episodes of coplete or partial airway obstruction during sleep—is dangerously on the rise. The National Healthy Sleep Awareness Project is urging anyone with syptosof OSA to pledge to stop the snore and talk to a doctor about sleep apnea. “Research shows that the nuber of sleep apnea sufferers continues to increase—the disease afflicts at least 25 illion Aerican adults, and ost of the reain untreated, increasing their risk of cardiac disease, hypertension, Type 2 diabetes andobesity,” said Dr. Tiothy Morgenthaler, president of the Aerican Acadey of Sleep Medicine (AASM) and a national spokesperson for the Healthy Sleep Project, a collaboration by the AASM, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Sleep Research Society (SRS). “Fortunately, any of the daagingeffects of sleep apnea can be stopped, and even reversed, through diagnosis and treatent by a board-certified sleep specialist.” How do you knowif you should talk to a doctor about OSA? According to the Healthy Sleep Project, here are five warning signs for sleep apnea: Snoring. Besides being a nuisance to your bed partner or rooate, loud and frequent snoringis a coon sypto of sleep apnea. While not everyone who snores has this sleep illness, snoring is a warning sign that should be taken seriously. Choking or gasping during sleep. When snoring is paired with choking, gasping or silent breathing pauses duringsleep, it’s a strong indicatorof sleep apnea. Fatigue or daytiesleepiness. “Sleep apnea can leave you waking in the orning feeling tired, even after a full night’s sleep,” said Morgenthaler. “Excessive daytie sleepiness often occurs because sleep apnea causes nuerous arousals throughout the night, and your body isn’t getting the quality sleep it needs.” Obesity. An adult with a body ass index (BMI) of 30 or higher is considered to be obese, and the risk of sleep apnea increases with the aount of excess body weight. A life-threatening sleep illness afflicts at least 25 illion Aericans and counting—but can be treated. High blood pressure. A staggering 67 illion Aericans have high blood pressure, which is about one in every three adults. Between 30 and 40 percent of adults with high blood pressure also have sleep apnea, and getting treatent for sleep apnea is a proven eansof decreasing blood pressure. If these syptos describe you, then you have a highrisk for OSA. If you’re ready to talk to a doctor about sleep apnea, the Healthy Sleep Project encourages you to visit to pledge to stop the snore and find a local sleep specialist at an AASM-accredited sleep center. “A coon isconception is that sleep apnea only affects older, overweight en,” said Morgenthaler. “This widely-held assuption is wrong: anyone can have sleep apnea, regardless of gender, age or body type—even if you’re not overweight.” Your doctor ay decide you need an objective sleep study, which will provide the data needed to ake an accurate diagnosis. Once diagnosed, the ost coonly recoended treatent for sleep apnea is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, which provides gently pressurized air through a ask, keeping your airway open and aking it easier to breathe. For patients who are unable to tolerate CPAP, or who seek alternatives, knowledgeable sleep specialists ay be able to offer other treatents. “Obstructive sleep apnea is a chronic disease that has a negative ipact on the health and well-being of illions of people in the U.S.,” said Janet B. Croft, PhD, senior chronic disease epideiologist in CDC’s Division of Population Health. “It is iportant to discuss the warning signs for sleep apnea with your doctor to deterineif you are at risk.”