Eye On LASIK For Children


Www.visionsite.Org Eye On Lasik For Children (NAPS)—Agroupof vision care professionals has been keeping an eye on the safety of children who undergo a relatively new type of eye surgery. The Better Vision Institute is questioning the wisdom of Lasik surgery on children. Eye care professionals at the Better Vision Institute (BVI) want to educate parents and health care professionals on the risks that can be associated with LASIK (com- monly referred to as laser) correc- tive eye surgery when it is performedon children. “Because the eye changes as we age,” says BVI chairman Dr. Charles McCormick III, “people under 18 are not typically suitable candidates for LASIK surgery.” Since a child cannotlie still like an adult, LASIK must be performed under general anes- thetic, which increases the risk of complications. The required use of anesthesia also presents a problem in that the current laser equipmentis not configured for people completely lying down and unconscious. The group advises parents to considerall available facts before deciding if their child is a suitable candidate for the procedure. For more information,visit BVI’s Website at www.visionsite.org.