An Alternative View On Curing Blindness


(NAPSA)—A new book offers an alternative approach to treat- ing a condition that threatens the vision of an increasing number of Baby Boomers. This condition, known as age related macular degeneration (ARMD), will affect up to 30 mil- lion Americans by the year 2010. Most people affected by ARMD are over 65, but certain hereditary conditions may cause it to develop in youngerindividuals. Until recently, people with ARMDhadno alternative but to get used to living without their sight. Ua UaRitaa) Fie Author of Healing the Eye the Natural Way MICROCURRENT STIMULATION: MIRACLE EYE CURE ! Getting oid ana going biindis not your onlyrecourse. In Miracle Eye Cure (North Atlantie Books, $24.95) author Edward C. Kondrot, MD offers new hopefor reversing eye disease with a procedure known as microcurrent stimulation. “Microcurrent stimulation is a relatively new treatment for the treatment of the eye. Currently, only five medical doctors, including myself, have been involved with a preliminary study using MCS in the treatment of macular degeneration,” said Kondrot. “Where patients have been treated with microcurrent stimu- BY EDWARD C. KONDROT, MD Forward by DeamonP. Miller I, M.D.,N.D. @ Getting old and going blind is not your only recourse, says a new book. of four days, then patients may proceed with home treatments twice a day for three months. In his book, Kondrot also rec- lation, all the testing centers have ommendsother vision therapies, such as improving your diet and adding nutritional supplements. “Dr. Kondrot has done an Microcurrent stimulation is a gram of vision care and treatment that can benefit those with macular degeneration and other retinal reported positive results, such as 60 to 80 percent of the patients reporting improved vision.” weak electrical current applied with a device known as a Micro Stim, which was originally created to treat pain. Treatment usually involves six to eight treatments during a period amazing job at outlining a pro- diseases,” said DamonP. MillerII, M.D. Kondrot is an ophthalmologist with a degree in homeopathy. He is also the author of Healing the Eye the Natural Way.