Keeping An Eye On Children's Vision


For Parents Keeping an Eye on Children’s Vision (NAPSA)—Experts' report there is a well-documented connection between a child’s ability to see and his or herability to learn and perform well in school. Parents should understand the basics of children’s vision health so they can detect any problems early and address them by seeing an eye doctor. Tilti be a sign that a child has a vision problem. Warningsigns include: Squinting or closing or covering one eye Holding a book close Losing his or her place while reading Headache, nauseaor dizziness Excessive clumsiness Tilting head to one side Frequent daydreaming Using a finger as a placemark while reading Performing below potential Rubbing eyes repeatedly. “T urge every parent to take his or her child to the eye doctor for regular eye exams,” said Andrea Thau, O.D., spokesperson for the American Optometric Association. “There’s nothing worse than examining a child who’s facing permanentvision loss, andtelling the parents that we could have prevented this vision loss if we had seen the child sooner.” For more information on children’s vision health, visit www.