Technology Advances Make Now A Good Time To Invest In Your Vision


Technology Advances Make Now A Good TimeTo Invest In Your Vision (NAPSA)—For the 160 million Americans weighing vision correction, modern LASIK is the standard by which all treatments are Many people are choosing advanced tary and NASAreviewed LASIK’'s safety and visual results and now allow sharpshooters and astronauts alike to have the procedure. Bottom line: LASIK has matured since the FDAfirst approved it and anyone considering laser vision correction should know about the advanced technological innovations available today. With cost savings a priority, investmentin better vision. measured. In fact, both the mili- many with vision correction needs are choosing advanced LASIK treatments as a long-term invest- ment in better vision that can eliminate the hassle and expense of glasses and contact lenses. When it comes to achieving 20/20 vision, no two eyes are alike. Modern LASIK, also known as the iLASIK procedure, makesit possible to address the microscopic characteristics distinct to each individual patient’s individual eye(s) to perform the correction needed to target 20/20 or better vision. After a thorough screening and consultation with a qualified surgeon, the procedure has three steps: Step One: Precise WaveScan 3-D mapping measures the uniqueness of each patient’s eyes, creating a blueprint that provides the data needed to perform an individually tailored, custom-fit vision correction treatment for each eye. Step Two: iLASIK uses two lasers. The first, ultrafast laser creates a thin corneal flap, which is then folded back to allow the second laser to correct vision based on the blueprint created in step one. Clinical results show more patients achieve 20/20 or better vision when LASIK treatmentsas a long-term @ two lasers are used, instead of the single-laser platform of older LASIK techniques. Step Three: Final post-op visits are conducted and then the patient is free to resume an active lifestyle, now with the freedom of better vision. Patients experience a quick, virtually painless procedure in unparalleled safety. Clinical studies show that one year after LASIK: 98 percent of mildly to moderately nearsighted patients could see 20/20 or better. More than 95 percent ofall clinical study participants could pass a driving test without glasses or contact lenses. e Four times as many mildly to moderately nearsighted participants were very satisfied with their night vision after treatment com- pared to their night vision before treatment with glasses or contacts. “By combining all of the most advanced laser vision correction technologies into one premium procedure, the iLASIK procedure simplifies the choice for patients seeking the very best for their eyes,” said Eric Donnenfeld, M.D., clinical professor of ophthalmology at New York University. To find a qualified ophthalmologist and schedule a consultation, visit With the help of your surgeon you can determine if you are a candidate, review the list of indications, warnings and precautions, and makesure laser vision correction is right for you.