Thirty Years Later—Laser Vision Correction Remains A Good Option For Many


Thirty Years Later—Laser Vision Correction Remains A Good Option For Many (NAPSA)—2018 marks the 30th anni- versary of thefirst laser vision correction procedure where,forthefirst time, people with vision issues had an option beyondglasses and contactlenses to see ; & well. So far, more than 19 million LASIK procedures have been performedin the US., provingit is a popularalternative to the struggle manypeople havewith their vision.Infact, the U.S. military relies on LASIKforits operation-ready personnel. oneis a good candidatefor the procedure. Looking at LASIK? Work with a highly qualified ophthalmologist to leam if you are a goodcandidate for the procedure. of patients are considered ineligible. history with their surgeon to ensure a for LASIKeyesurgery. Because manypeople areinterested in LASIK, understandingthat there is While technologies and techniques have advancedthescience of LASIK, notevery- Onaverage, between 15 and 20 percent While every patientis unique, there are general guidelines that surgeonsuse in determiningif a patient is a candidate recommendation for candidacy based uponall available facts. Foradults over 18, LASIK can correct a process for becoming a candidate, set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. LASIK improves vision by reshap- andrecovery periodinvolvedis helpful in makinganinformeddecision. nearsightedness,farsightedness andastigmatism,within certain prescription ranges ing your cornea—thesurface ofthe eye that helps focus light to create an image acceptingthat the procedurehaslimits, andrecognizingthatthere is a healing Knowingif you are a good candi- date is important for considering any on the retina. A thorough eye exam will procedure, including LASIK. Finding and working with a highly qualified confirm the vision correction neededisn't too extreme. Importantly, the prescription shouldbe stable, meaning it has stayed the sameforatleast a year. During the exam, thethicknessof the cornea is measured to make sure there is enough tissue for the reshaping required to achieve the desired amountof correction. Certain health issues and medications may interfere with the healing process, making laser vision correc- tion a poorchoice.It is important that patients share their complete health surgeon, having a complete evaluation ofyoureyesandvision, and doing your own research into the procedure are important steps in the process. Armed with the facts, both you and your surgeonwill have the information needed to make the best recommendation for you andyourvision. Tolearn more about whatto expect from a LASIKconsultation, visit www. blog.