Hearing Loss And The Holidays—It's A Family Affair


(NAPS)—Sincethe holiday season is launch into an unrelated idea, your andfamily membersyou haven't seenin the conversation. 3. Slow downandeliminate background noises. Manypeople talk too loved one mayhavedifficulty following sucha greattimeto connect with friends a while,it may also offer an opportunity many maynot have considered. Now can be your chance to check in with loved ones abouttheir health and well- fast. Slow down, speak clearly and pause —it helps. Mute the TV and turn down theradio,too. being, including those who may be grappling with hearingloss. The Problem After all, hearing loss affects 48 mil- When someonein the family has a hearingloss, the whole family has a could become even more widespread hearingloss, say experts at the Hearlion—or one in five—Americans and in the future. Two reasons are the aging population and the frequent use of earbud headphonesto listen to music, which can cause noise-induced hearing Joss. Untreated hearingloss can lead to cause of the disparity in comfortable volumelevels. Foradult children with parents expe- 4, Double-check. Ifyou're relaying vital information, confirm youwere understood. 5, Seek help andensure safety. Ifyour loved one has difficulty using the tele- phoneorcannothear emergency warning signals, visit the Hearing Loss Association ofAmerica, wwwzhearingloss.org, to learn more. 6. Share the hearing responsibility. It is the responsibility of the person who socialisolation, stress and depression, riencing hearing loss, connecting can be is talking to make it easier to be heard social rejection and feelings of lone- a challenge. Whena parenthashearing and understood.It is the responsibility of liness, irritability and anger, reduced loss, he or she may avoid phoneconver- the personwith hearing loss to acknowlalertness and even anincreased risk of sations andsocialsituations, making it edge the problem, connect with a hearing falls. This holiday season, take the opportunity to help those you care about start the New Yearoff on a positive note by addressing untreated hearing loss. Untreated hearing loss not only af- fects a person’s quality oflife—it also has an impact on his or her family. While hard to maintain closeness. And chil- loss expert or audiologist who can help, hard to understand for someone with untreated hearing loss, which can lead to frustration or embarrassment. affordable and high-tech hearing aid op- dren or grandchildren, with typically higher, softer voices, can be particularly and use technology to improve hearing now, Youcan learn more about today’s tions at www.hihealthinnovations.com. 7.Start a conversation. Speak hearing lossis isolating,it’s not an isolated problem.Forthose with loved ones experiencing untreated hearingloss, the effectsarereal, significant andcan affect the most importantrelationshipsin their If you suspect that someoneyoulove is experiencing hearingloss,it’s time to take action. Here are seven tips to improve communication with a loved one with your loved ones about hearing loss and treatmentoptions. Keep the conversation positive, speak to the impactthat hearingloss has on the family, and discuss the benefits that can be realized through seeking treatment. with them feels theeffects, too. Couplesoften feel the effects of untreated hearingloss the most, with spousesreporting a decrease in social activities because ofthe inability to have a conversation in somesettings, and many say they’re unable to enjoy even simple activities like watching a movie or TV togetherbe- Communication with Hearing Loss- port them in taking thefirst step of 1. Get their attention before you ing loss doesn’t have to compromise yourrelationships. lives. Everyone who lovesthem andlives What You Can Do experiencinghearing loss: Seven Tips For Families to Improve Affected Loved Ones: start speaking. This ensuresthey can fo- cus on you and whatyou're saying. Don't yell from anotherroom,for instance. 2.Don't change topics without warning. If you start talking about weekend plans and then suddenly Finally, reassure them that you'll sup- having their hearing examined. HearLearn More For information about the signs of hearing loss, how to maintain hearing health, and treatment options,visit www.hihealthinnovations.com.