Individualize Your Look With Do-It-Yourself Fashion


Individualize Your Look With Do-It-Yourself Fashion (NAPSA)—Fashionistas agree that sleeveless silhouettes, includ- ing tanks, halters and tube tops, are must-have styles for every woman's wardrobe in 2007. Unfortunately, many women do notfeel comfortable wearing clothing that bares their arms. A recent survey, which polled more than 2,000 women nationwide, revealed that only 8 percent of women feel beautiful when sleeveless. There are many waysto boost sleeveless confidence, including pumping up a fitness routine and moisturizing skin for a healthy glow. Another easy way is by indi- vidualizing a look with do-it-your- self (DIY) fashion. “DIY fashion gives women the opportunity to express their own style,” says Chloe Dao, fashion designer and winnerof “Project Runway.” “With a little inspiration and creativity, it is easy to create a cool look, embrace the sleeveless trend and feel confident.” To get started, Chloe suggests the following tips: Find Your Canvas: Gather the materials you will need, including a T-shirt, scissors and craft materials found in your home. Create a unique look with a DIY sleevelessshirt. Clear, which provides softer, smoother, sleeveless-ready under- armsin just five days. With greatlooking underarms you can have the confidence to wear whatever you want, whenever you want. Helpful DIY Hints Visit your closet for vintage or oversized shirts that can be Choose a shirt in a bold color that complements the season. easily refashioned. DIY T-shirt pattern book or Web site for guidance. If you do not use a pattern, practice first by cutting up old shirts. Ditch the Sleeves: Embrace the sleeveless trend and cut off the sleeves to give an old shirt new life. Prepare to Bare: Go sleeveless with great-looking skin— especially underarm skin. Try a deodorant such as Dove Ultimate shirt. Pick a Pattern: Reference a Get creative by using two patterns to create one sleeveless Pull the fabric tight to be precise when cutting the shirt. Search antique stores, craft stores and neighborhood boutiques for unique pieces. Look for ribbon, buttons or scarves to add color. Visit to download a DIY sleeveless shirt pattern designed by Chloe Dao and for more sleeveless-readytips.