Mentally Ill At Increased Risk For Cardiovascular Disease


New Simple Measures Program Provides Information, Tips And Tools To Help Those Living With Bipolar Disorder And Schizophrenia Improve Their Overall Wellness (NAPSA)—Cardiovaseular disease (CVD), a disease of the heart and blood vessels that includes conditions such as heart attack, heart failure, chest pain and stroke, is the leading cause of death in the United States. However, research shows that the nearly 8 million American adults living with serious mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia may be at an even greater risk for developing cardiovascular disease than the general population. People living with these illnesses have an increased preva- Wellness in Mental Health is an educational program developed by Pfizer and independent medical and nutrition experts designed to help those living with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia improve their overall wellness and reduce their risks for heart disease. Simple Measures provides information through educational materials and community seminars to help patients, their loved ones and physicians adopt simple steps towards wellness such as improving food choices; increasing exercise daily; reducing smoking; keeping track of risk factors including lence of aa measu res” weight gain, chotors for lesterol, and blood For Improving Wellness in Mental Peele sugar levels; imincluding obesity, high cholesterol proving patientand high blood sugar. In fact, peophysician communication about ple living with these illnesses die risk factors; and understanding an average of 20 years earlier treatment options. than the general population, with “When treating patients with a heart disease as the leading cause mental illness like schizophrenia of death. or bipolar disorder, we need to Lifestyle factors such as diet focus on both the mind and body,” and exercise play a large role in said Michael Sernyak, M.D., prothe increase of cardiovascular fessor of psychiatry at the Yale health risks, but certain anti-psyUniversity School of Medicine. “It chotie medications taken to control is very important that patients psychiatric symptoms can exacerwork closely with their physicians bate these risks. It is important to understand their treatment opfor people living with these illtions and associated side effects, nesses to work closely with their get their risk factors checked regphysicians to get their risk factors ularly, and discuss the positive monitored, to learn about their impact healthy lifestyle choices treatment options and whether can have on overall health.” adjusting medication may help For more information about reduce risks, and to incorporate Simple Measuresorto find out if healthy lifestyle habits. there is a seminar taking place near Simple Measures for Improving you, visit |€imple