Fast Nausea relief


Fast Nausea Relief (NAPSA)—Ginger has been used in Asia for thousands of years as a remedy to soothe the discomfort of nausea. More than a delicious spice, it is a serious medicinal herb with powerful yet gentle healing properties. A new kind of ginger gum provides fast, convenient relief from nauseawith no side effects. Now, Sea-Band offers the sooth- ing, anti-nausea qualities of ginger in the form of a great-tasting chewing gum. This fast-acting gum works by delivering the healing benefits of ginger quickly under the tongue while increasing production of saliva, the body’s natural defense against nausea. In addition, the gum is free of the side effects commonly associated with other anti-nausea med- ications such as drowsiness, dis- orientation and dry mouth. Providing fast, convenient relief from nausea with no drugs, SeaBand’s Anti-Nausea Ginger Gum is an excellent—and portable—choice for pregnant women, children and people suffering from motion sickness. It is available at CVS and other fine drugstores or by visiting