When It Comes To Stroke, It's OK To Overreact


(NAPSA)—Strokeaffects more than 795,000 people in the United States every year! Also known as a “brain attack,” a stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygen to the brain is blocked by plaque (acute ischemic stroke) or ruptures andbleeds (hemor- thagic stroke).? If you suspect stroke, call 911 immediately. Thesaying“timeis brain” references 10... SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF STROKE the importance ofreceiving immediate medicalattention for a stroke beforeit starts affecting brain function. Stroke is serious; quick treatment can be the deciding factor between recovery and Knowing the 10 signs and symptomsofstroke could make all the How To Recognize Stroke Would you oryourloved ones know difference for a loved one. disability? whatto doin the eventof a stroke? Its important to recognize all the ways in which stroke can presentitself to be best preparedin the case of a medical emergency as the symptomsdon’t always appearthe samein every person. Many people may be familiar with the FA.S.T. signs of stroke, but could yourecognizeall 10 signs? eCeNauaeNne . Confusion . Difficulty Understanding . Dizziness . Loss of Balance . Numbness . Severe Headache . Trouble Speaking . Trouble Walking . Vision Changes 10. Weakness* As with most symptoms, these are not uniqueto stroke but if they appear quickly andare outofthe ordinary, they may indicate a serious condition that requires immediateattention. If you recognize any combination of thesesigns,it’s okay to “overreact.” Sus- picion is enough reason to take action and call 911. Do not wait for symptoms to subside. The right care—right away— hasthe potential to save both lives and quality oflife. WhoIs At Risk? While a stroke can happen to anyone at any time, certain factors can place yourloved ones at an increasedrisk of having a stroke.5 One of the best ways to protect them from stroke is to know their risks and do what you can do to help reduce them. While you can't control ageorfamily history, there are many manageable risk factors that can lower your loved one’s chances of stroke. Some healthy life choices that decreaserisk include: + Not smoking or using tobacco products + Limiting alcohol consumption + Maintaining a healthy diet + Exercising regularly. Learn More To learn more aboutstroke and how to recognizeall 10 signs and symptoms, visit www.signsofstroke.org. 1. Stroke Facts. Retrieved March 23, 2018from https//www.cdegov'stroke/factshim 2 Stroke 101: Fast Facts on Stroke. Retrieved March 23, 2018from http://wwwstrokeorg/sites/dfaultfiles/resources/ [NSA_s620FactSheet_Stroke_101_2014.pdf 3. Stroke WarningSigns and Symptoms. Retrieved March 22, 2018from http://wwwistrokeassoclation.ory/STROKEORG/ ‘WarningSigns/Stroke-Warning Signs-and Symptoms_UCM_308528_SubFfomePagejsp 4. About Stroke Treatment. Retrieved March, 26, 2018from http://www:strokeassociation.org/STROKEORG/AboutStroke/ ‘Treatment/Stroke-Treatment_UCM_492017_SubFiomePagejsp ‘5. Whatis Stroke? Retrieved March 23, 2018from http://wwwstroke.org/understand-stroke/what-stroke 6. Behaviors ThatIncrease Riskfor Stroke. Retrieved April 3, 2018from hitps://www.cdc.gov/stroke/behaviorhtm