Supplementing Your Health With Vitamin E


SS a p ) ee ey Supplementing Your Health With Vitamin E (NAPSA)—A srowing bodyof research indicates that eating right, getting enough exercise and taking certain nutritional supplements can lead to extra energy and better health. For example, consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of adding vitamin E to their daily diet. The main role of vitamin Eis to act as an antioxidant, boosting the immune system and protecting cell membranes fromtoxic compounds, heavy metals, radiation and free radicals. This vitamin is helieved to protect against heart disease, improve eye health and assist m the managersent of some kinds of diabetes. To addition, it has been found to aid in delaying the progression of Alzheimer’s disease as well as various forms of cancer, Unfortunately, some of the foods richest in vitamin --such as peanut butter, various veg- etable oils and nuts--are also high in fat content. That's why many experts beheve adding a dietary supplement containing vitamin E may be an excellent way to obtain the health benefits without the fat. For example, a recent study revealed that 7 percent ofcardialogists surveyed recoramended vitamin E supplements to their patients, generally in 400 Interna- tional Units GU), which surpasses the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of 38 TUfor vitamin E. While the hest wayto get nutrients is through food, to obtain 400 TUof vitamin E you would need te con- sume nearly 12 pounds of dry roasted peanuts or 183 cups of broccoli every day. In contrast, a single vitamin E supplement can provide this amount. Ancther study indicated that doctors are practicing what they Vitamin E is believed to protect against heart disease and improve eye heaith. preach when it comes to antioxidant supplements, with 44 percent of those surveyed taking vitamun E, vitamin C or beta-carotene supplements either alone or in a combination with other vitamins. Other research offers compelling evidence of vitarain E’s ability to prevent cholesterol from creating fatty plaque and clogging arteries. For instance, one study of 87,060 nurses found that women who used vitamin E supplements had a 31 percent reduced risk of nonfatal heart attacks and deaths from coronary heart disease. A similar study of 39,006 men demonstrated a 40 percent reduction of the sarne risks. To learn more about the longterm health benefits of vitamin E and other antioxidants, visit, an interac- tive Website for adults, teachers and children. Additional information is also available through BASF Corporation’s Team Antioxidant poster/brochure. For a free copy of this educational poster/brochure, please send your naroe and address to: “Team Antioxidant: Because Your Body is a Battleground” 30 Young Place, Lynchburg, VA 2401.