Silent Symptoms Of Menopause


The Silent Symptoms Of Menopause (NAPSA)—As baby boomers age, more women than everbefore are entering menopause, so it’s important to identify symptoms and manage them properly. Flushed faces and feverish flashes are not the only symptoms that women experience. Other symptoms like mood swings, sleeplessness andirritability affect women in the time surrounding menopause, usually age 45-55. Secret Symptoms. Some lesser-known and not-often discussed symptoms of menopause include sleeplessness, irritability and mood swings. These signs of menopause can affect overall wellbeing andrelationships with family, friends and co-workers. It helps for women to realize there’s a reason—and to know they’re not alone. Maud Purcell, a psychotherapist who works with women at mid-life, says, “During perimeno- pause, hormone levels change and symptoms can occur while the body readjusts to lower estrogen levels. Women often mistake these symptoms as severe PMS.” Purcell noted that women should discuss symptoms with a friend, family member and/or health professional. Significance of Sleep. Research has shown that problems with sleeping often plague menopausal women. In addition, mood swings can be made worseif you are having trouble sleeping or are awakened at night from hot flashes and night sweats. Simple Solutions. The good news is that there are several things women can doto relieve menopausal symptoms. Turn to simple solutions, like exercise. Maintaining a physical fitness routine benefits both the mind and body. Women should monitor When women enter menopause, they should realize that they are not alone, and that symptoms can be treated. their diets to avoid spicy food and caffeine, which can worsen symptoms, and get at least 1000 milligrams of calcium (TUMSor OsCal are good choices) for the prevention of osteoporosis. In addition, more and more women are turning to natural options. Purcell recommends hormone-free therapies such as RemiFemin Menopause—a unique brand of black cohosh—to relieve symptoms. Over 40 years of clinical research has shown that RemiFemin is both safe and effective for the treatment of menopause symptoms, including mood swings, irritability, related occasional sleeplessness as well as hot flashes and night sweats. Sources of Support. Find support in the shared experiences of other women going through menopause. Websites offer an easy way to tap into the menopause community. Visit www.womens to connect with other women whoare having similar experiences, and to find a host of information about menopause and treatment options, as well as free samples and a support program.