Feeling Fit After Having A Baby


Bas We Feeling Fit After Having A\ Baby (NAPSA)—The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that for a healthy postpartum woman, physical activity is a good thing. Doctors say moderate-intensity physical activity, such as brisk walking or bike riding, keeps your heart and lungs healthy after a pregnancy. Physical activity also helps improve your mood throughout the postpartum period. And it can help with weightloss. It’s generally best to start slowly and increase the amount you exercise gradually over time. It is recommended you get at least 12 hours and 30 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (Try to spread this activity throughout the week; even 10 minutes at a time, a few times a day, is fine). If you want to do more vigorous-level activities, it is best to slowly introduce these to your workout routine. Always consult a physician prior to developing your post-pregnancy workout routine. As a new parent, finding time to workout can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are options out there to allow you to bring your child along. You just need to have equip- ment you can trust. There are sev- With a little ingenuity and the right equipment, you and your young family can go far along the road to a healthy,activelifestyle. eral options on the market including multifunctional child carriers that let you jog, hike, bike and even cross country ski with your child. The line of child carriers from Thule are a great option. Theyeasily convert between a jogger, stroller, bike trailer, hiking trailer and a cross country skiing trailer. Thule also offers dedicated sports strollers, bike trailers and child seats. All these products meet or exceed international safety standards. It’s these standards that ensure these products can handle the toughest conditions. Learn More To view these items as well as other Active with Kids products, go to www.thule.com.