Defying Gravity: A Better Pelvic Organ Prolapse Procedure


A Better Pelvic Organ Prolapse Procedure (NAPSA)—Women suffering from pelvic organ prolapse (POP) often feel as though organs are falling out of their body. In these advancedstages of pro- lapse, surgery is oneoptionthatis available, but is controversial. Many women whosuffer from POPare apprehensive about having surgery due to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warning aboutthe high-risk mesh thatis of- ten used by surgeons for prolapse repair, as wellas the lack of complete data on long-term successofthe surgery. ‘A modernversionof a pelvic organ prolapserepair surgery thatis usedtolift thetop ofthe vagina andrestore stability to the pelvic floor can now be performed asa laparoscopic prolapse repair without the use of mesh, though few specialists are trainedinthis delicate procedure. “Weaknessesin the pelvic floor can be corrected and the top of the vagina orcervix successfully suspended to the supporting ligaments through a minimally invasive GYN procedurethat has a better long-term successrate,” said Ru- penBaxi, M.D.“Performing a minimally invasive sacrospinous ligament suspen- sion is an advanced technique that has a high rate ofsuccess for women who have advancedstagesofthe disease.” AVOID THE MESH a LOWNSA ag3 WSSataT) two small incisions and mostofthe pro- cedure is performedvaginally, so there are nolarge scars” POPis a condition that can worsen overtimeandis diagnosedbystage. Often, the early stages don't affect a wom- an’s day-to-day life. Whenthe condition worsens, however, the symptoms can range from difficulty going to the bathroom ornotbeingable to control when to go, discomfort or embarrassment havingsex, or a feeling that something is pressing againstorfalling out of the vagina. Treatmentescalatesas the stages “This procedure takes years of progress. “Women who require surgery for prolapse can now seek out a CIGC minpriate techniques for repairing bladder imally invasive GYN specialist who can prolapse, rectum prolapse or uterine perform a laparoscopic suspension protraining and must be performed by a specialist who understands the appro- prolapse withoutthe use of mesh,” con- tinued Dr. Baxi. “The procedures performedbythespecialists at The Center for Innovative GYN Care require only cedure that has no needfor the controversial mesh, and that hasa fast recovery with better long-term results; said Dr. Baxi.