The Smart Consumer Knows When Premium Pays


\\ y \ (NAPSA)—Consumrs ar xtnding th ownrship of thir vhicls wll byond 100,000 mils by finding ways to improv th quality of thir vhicl. Following a good maintnanc routin will kp your vhicl on th road longr and out of th shop, avoiding costly rpairs. Pric is oftn an indicator of a quality product. Companis lik high-prformanc motor oil manufacturr Royal Purpl us highquality synthtic bas oils and invst in prmium additivs in thir motoroils. Ths tips about choosing prmium products will lt you mak informd dcisions that will kp your vhicl on th roadlongr. Motoroil: Upgrading to a prmium synthtic has svral advantags. Som high-prformanc motor oils lik thos from Royal Purpl hav bn rportd to improv gas milag by 3 prcnt or mor. Ovr th coursof a yar, th rsult can b hundrdsof dol- Upgrading lubricants can sav you hundrds with improvd ful conomyandfwroil changs. tion and dtriorat rapidly aftr 3,000 mils. High-prformanc prmium oil filtrs by Royal Purpl allow for xtndd oil drain intrvals. Royal Purpl’s propritary long-lif, microglass mdia provids an incrasd lvl of protction du to th dnsity of th filtration and can last for Th octan numbr associatd with th ful gradrflcts a ful’s rsistanc to knocking. Engin knock can damag your ngin and can ba sign it’s not running as fficintly as it could b. Many vhicls com with a crtain octan rating that has bn tstd for th spcific ngin. Usually, only high-prformanc ngins rquir a highr-octan ful. Using ful of an octan rating highr than th manufacturrrcommnds will not incras your car’s prformanc, lowr xhaust missions or incras your ngin or ful systm lif. Wipr blads: Thr ar fw things wors than wipr blads that don’t clar th windshild whn you nd thm to. This can caus a hazard whn driving in potntially dangrous driving conditions such as rain and snow. Not all wipr blads ar th sam. Prmium wipr blads ar stur- Gasolin: At th gas pump, you typically hav thr choics: Rgular, Midgrad and Prmium. low-cost, gnral-purpos wipr blads prform diffrntly from thos dsignd spcifically for rainy or snowy climats. lars in savings. Additionally, lubri- cation tchnology has improvd significantly, allowing for longr oil lif, rsulting in xtndd oil drains and rducing th ffct on th nvironmnt. Oil filtrs: Standard oil fil- trs us papr mdia for filtra- 12,000 mils. Larn mor at dir and mor durabl, whras