Tips To Help You Save


(NAPSA)—When temperatures cool down, the cost of heating rises. To help reduce energy costs, the nonprofit groups Alliance to Save Energy (ASE) and the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) recommend these tips: e Insulation. To learn about insulating a home’s attic, basement, ducts, water heating and pipes, visit www.simplyinsulate. com. a gy @ Always check window ratings before buying.The lower a win- dow’s U-factor, the lower the heat loss through the window. e Windows. The NFRC label on windows shows the ratings, including the window’s U-factor. The lower the U-factor, the lower the heat loss. e Lighting. Efficient, compact fluorescent lightbulbs last up to 10 times longer and save enough energy in two years to recoup the extra cost. e Electronics. Use a power strip to easily turn electronics completely off. e Energy Star. Look for improved efficiency Energy Star labels on appliances, windows and heating and cooling equipment. For more tips on how to save energy, visit and