Hydrotherapy: The Ultimate Tension Reducer


(NAPSA)—Reducing tension in your life can pay enormous divi- | . dends. Not only will you feel better both physically and emotionally, but you'll likely enjoy an . | improved outlook and perhaps even a greater appreciation of the things you really enjoy. Anxiety often arises when you perceive a situation as threatening or when you are dealing with an unusually large number of everyday responsibilities. It can be both work- or home-related and ae Potential causes include: Hydrotherapy can be a therapeutic and relaxing way to manage stress. complexity; Workingirregular hours; e Periods of organizational Hydrotherapy. In recent years, hydrotherapy—the use of water for therapeutic treatment—has is often a combination of the two. e Excessive work pressure caused by time constraints and/or pis upheaval, caused by changes in location or job status; been clinically proven as beneficial to health and general well-being. Bereavement or family ill- versity of Minnesota Hospital in Minneapolis found that after 10 minutes of bathing in eitherstill or moving warm water, healthy Separation from a partner or family members; ness; or e Children’s behavior or educa- tional performance. Managingthestress The aim of anxiety management is to help you balance the various aspects of your life—work, relationships andleisure. Here are some suggestions: e Identify sources of tension. Knowing what causes it can help you cope with it better and provide mental and emotionalrelief. Delegate or share your re- sponsibilities at work and at home. Organize your time better to get as much doneaspossible. For example, a study by the Health Psychology Clinic at Uni- adults experienced increased feel- ings of well-being and a decreased state of anxiety. “Bathing actually helps people stay healthy, both mentally and physically,” says Rob Tillman, PT, MOMT, a physical therapy consul- tant for Jason International, a leading manufacturer of hydro- therapy bath products. “Modern hydrotherapy systems can help improvecirculation, increase tissue flexibility and promote the removal of muscular waste products.” e Exercise regularly and eat a healthy, balanced diet rich in fruits For additional information on the stress-relieving benefits of Find humoror absurdity in the right hydrotherapy bath for your home, call Jason International at (800) 255-5766 or visit and vegetables. stressful situations. e Listen to music or relaxation tapes. hydrotherapy and how to choose www.jasoninternational.com.