How To Remember Names Like A Pro


\JIPSON URIPS*** How To Remember NamesLike A Pro (NAPSA)—The importance of remembering someone’s name when you meet him or her can be critical, especially in the increasingly competitive world of business. Remembering a person’s name will make you come across ANZ a ea qo ye YFew ae om RSNA aK - 3 as moreprofessional andcredible, and make the person you meet feel good—and as a result, they may be more receptive to your thoughts and ideas. BJ Schreuder, general manager of the Marriott Druids Glen Hotel & Country Club, offers several tips on how he remembers names and makes guests feel welcome. The key, he says, is in four easy steps everyone can implement, whether at an impor- tant business meeting or when meeting someone on the golf course: 1. The powerof three. When you are first introduced to someone new, repeat his or her name aloud in conversation. After a minute or so, repeat his or her nameagain in your head with the nameof the company, and then once more in conversation. 2. The facial files. If possible, write down the person’s name three times while picturing the person’s face. Do this as soon as possible after your initial meeting. This will create a visual imprint of the person in your memory. Feel free to exaggerate a bit in your head. The more colorful the memory of someone, the easier it will be to remember his or her name. 3. Relax. In social and busi- ness situations, we tend to stress about giving a good handshake or what to say next. Focus on relax- Making a lasting impression by remembering someone’s nameis a skill that’s good for business and social encounters. ing and really listening to the person. 4. Practice, rehearse and have fun. Remembering names can be difficult, but continual practice really does help to sharpen these skills. Always train yourself on the combination of the name, face, company and where you met your contact last or for the first time. In addition, keep contacts’ business cards organized in folders or Rolodexes. In a quiet moment during the day, start with A and go through the cards, seeing if you can put names and faces together— then add their company names. So the next time you're engaged in a business foursome at Druids Glen or Druids Heath—the awardcaliber courses at Marriott Druids Glen Hotel & Country Club in Dublin—or just want to work on your stroke amid the stunning scenery of the Wicklow Mountains, professionalism really can be the nameof the game. For moreinformation or to make reservations, visit