Dust In The Wind


Dust In The Wind (NAPSA)—The more wood surfaces you have in your home—furniture, cabinets, doors, ete.—the more dust you're collecting. Fortunately, it’s not only possible to wipe out dust—but also to delay its return. A new kind of cleaning wipe removes dust and helps keepit from coming back. Anewkind of cleaning cloth can not only clean dust and grime from wood surfaces without leaving behind an oily residue, it also contains an anti-static formula that actively repels dust, helping delay dust particles from resettling on surfaces. These Murphy Soft Wipes can be used as an all-purpose cleaner, making the care and cleaning of wood and other surfaces around the home convenient, quick and long-lasting. The wipes should not be used on unfinished wood. If you're not sure about the finish, test on an inconspicuous area with plain water. For more information about household cleaning and wood care, call 1-800-486-7627 or see Murphy’s Wood Care Center at www.murphyoilsoap.com.