Remove Ugly Wallpaper With Ease


(NAPSA)—Lookingfor a week- end home improvement project? Removingold tired wallpaper in the hallway, bathroom or other room of your home is a project that will give you dramatic results with little effort. Wallpaper removal is easy if you follow a few simple steps and use products available at your local homecenter, paint retailer or hardware store. Here’s how: Step No. 1: Score the wallpaper. Most wallpaper has a washable, waterproof surface. Try peeling the top layer away by hand. If it won't peel away easily, you need to score the wallpaper first to ensure that wallpaper stripper solution is able to reach and loosen the glue underneath. PaperTiger Wallcovering Scoring Tool is designed to perforate the wallpaper without damaging the wall for fast and easy scoring. The more holes you make, the faster and easier the paper will comeoff the walls. Step No. 2: Apply a wallpaper stripper such as DIF Wallpaper Stripper. Available in a liquid concentrate, gel or fast-acting liquid, it is safe, nontoxic and easyto use. Apply to one wall at a time, starting at the top and working your way down. DIF is formulated to penetrate and break down wallpa- A handytool can make wallpaper removal easy. per paste quickly. In 20 minutes or less, the wallpaper will be ready to be removed. Step No. 3: Removethe loose wallpaper. Use a Paper Scraper tool to get the wallpaper off the wall without hard work or surface damage. If any glue remains, simply reapply the stripper to the area, wait 15 to 20 minutes, remove it with Paper Scraper or a sponge andrinse with clean water. Before you know it, you'll have clear, wallpaper-free walls ready for repainting and redecorating! For more information about removing or hanging wallpaper or for more helpful home improvementtips, visit