Hot Water Heaters


MasteringMaintenance Hot Water Heaters (NAPSA)—Contrary to the seemingly negative old saying, “being in hot water,” having plentyofit is actually ideal for today’s homeowners—at least when it comes to taking showers, shaving, doing the dishes and washing clothes. Hot water heaters, when properly maintained, can last for 12 years or more. Fortunately, most water heaters suffer few mechanical failures, whether run gas. They do, rusting and which limits byelectricity, oil or however, succumb to scaling over time, their efficiency and leads to leaks, that can cause con- siderable damage. To check your water heater periodically, look at the base of the unit for any signs of corrosion or leakage. Rusting is usually the first telltale sign of deterioration. If you note signs of heavy rusting or any leakage, say the experts at HouseMaster, leaders in the home inspection industry, then the unit should be checked by a professional to determine if replacement is required. To learn more about hot water heaters and other areas of home Maintenance, visit