HOME Buyer Alert


Buyer Alert Can Someone’s Will Get In Your Way? (NAPSA)—Most new home owners wouldn’t think of moving into their “castle” without buying fire or homeowner’s insurance. Title insurance helps homeowners protect the investment madein a new home. Yet some people overlook the one kind of insurance designed to insure their ownership of their new property—ownerstitle insur- ance. For example, it is not uncommon for conflicts to emerge when different wills exist concerning the ownershipof a property. If one heir contests the right of another heir to sell the home, it’s possible that the money the buyer had earmarked for painting and new furniture will end up being spent on legal fees. According to the American Land Title Association, the new owner’s title insurance would take effect, providing financial coverage for legal fees and the cost of settling any claim against the property. To learn more, visit the Web site at www.alta.org.