Disability Insurance Helps Woman Reclaim Her Life


Disability Insurance Helps Woman Reclaim HerLife After Cancer (NAPSA)—WhenLoleta Rollerson felt a lumpin her breast, she wasn’t overly concerned, but called her doctor “just to be sure.” But the test results revealed cancer and Loleta underwent a radical mastectomy. She awoke from the surgery unprepared for life as a different woman—she was devastated. Just when Rollerson thought things couldn’t get any worse, her marriage came apart, she lost her house, and shelost her receptionist job when herallotted Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) ran out. Despite her challenges, Rollerson was determined to overcome her illness and return to the workforce. And Rollerson’s disability insurance carrier was thereto help. Her disability insurance coverage provided not only replacement incomefor her and herfour children to live on, but also services such as vocational counseling, training to upgrade her computer software skills, and job search assistance. Her disability insur- ance coverage helped pave the way for Rollerson to return to work. Less than 18 months after her breast cancer diagnosis, she wasback at work in a newjob. “T found a new job at the National Oceanic and Atmos- pheric Administration, and I’m so happythere,” she says. AAHP/HIAAoffers consumer information concerning the financial risk of a disabling illness or injury, and information on what you can do to protect you and your Disability Insurance Coverage Can Help Get You Back on Your Feet And Keeps the Family Income Coming If You are Hurt or Sick The benefits that might be available—if you qualify—from worker's compensationor Social Security may leave you and yourfamily very much exposed. Disability incomeinsurance typically provides about 60percent of yourpre-tax pay in the eventof a disabling illness or injury. The disability insurer can also help you get back to work through rehabilitation, training, or workplace accommodations. Disability incomeinsurance coverage costs far less than most other employee benefits. A 2002 Survey by John Hewitt and Associates estimatesthe average long-term disability insurance premium paid by employersatjust a little over $200 a year per employee. Short-term disability coverageis even less costly. Disability income replacementis available through group coverage (employeror employeepaid)or on an individual basis. family from that risk. For a consumer Guide to Disability Income If you have doubts aboutyour financial security in the event ofdisability, talk to your employer or your financial advisor about disability incomeinsurance 3434 or visit the consumerinformation section of www.hiaa.org. coverage. Insurance,call toll-free: 1-866-872- @