Parents: Family Driving Contract Important For Your Teen


Parents: Family Driving Contract Important For Your Teen a t 1 \ Help protect your teens with a family driving contract. (NAPSA)—Even after a teen has his or her driver’s license, a parent’s job isn’t over. In fact, now it’s even more important for par- @ e Distractions: No text messag- ing and no cell phone use while ents to protect their young drivers driving. (In an emergency,pull off safely to the side of the road.) Speeding: Prohibited entirely. It takes time and practice to provide adequate practice sessions in all types of weather. who will be on the road alone for the first time. become a good driver, and parents need to be on hand to help teens build their driving confidence and to continue to supervise their driving. GEICO recommendsthat fami- lies draw up a parent-teen driving contract to make sure everyone knows what the rules are, and everyone—including parents— agrees to follow them. FOR TEENS For teens, the most important thing is to develop the right habits right from the start, especially during the first six months of solo driving, when teens are at the highest risk for crashes. Those include: e Weather: Parents need to FOR PARENTS Parents need to be account- able also. They need to be the best role models in the family. For parents: e Always wearyoursafety belt. Practice defensive driving techniques. Do not drive aggressively. Do not use your cell phone while driving. Do not drink and drive. Parents and teens can review the contract each month to see how well everyoneis doing. Sample Contract You can get a copy of a model driving contract from the e Teen passengers: None for experts at GEICO. Visit www. safety-library. Several state and local jurisdictions also provide Night driving: Not after 9 p.m. tracts on their Websites. Safety belts: Always wear them. the first six months. sample parent-teen driving con-