Local Search Helps Customers Find You


Customers Find You (NAPSA)—You can have your business found by consumers searching online. Local search advertising in the U.S. is pro- jected to grow 29.5 percent over the next five years. Here are five quick tips that will help customers looking for businesses in your neighborhood find you quicker and easier, even if you don’t have a Web site of your own: 1. Conduct a search for your business on Local.com and other major local search sites to make sure your business appears. 2. Review your online business listings for accuracy and regularly update them. 3. Make it easy to be found online by leveraging the marketing tools offered by local search engine providers, including paid online listing services that offer flexibility and cost-effective marketing. Review your online businesslistings for accuracy and regularly update them. @ 4. Just as when you advertise in the paper, determine who your target customers are and what type of products or services they want to purchase, then describe your business with them in mind. 5. Determine the keywords these potential customers use when trying to find you and your type of business and use those words in your description for better search engine optimization (SEO). To learn more, call (888) 723- 9271 or visit www.local.com.