High-Speed Rail, Getting Americans Back On Track


(NAPSA)—Manybelieve that transforming this nation’s transportation network can put the country on track for new jobs, a healthier economy and more mobility. The Interstate Highway System began more than 50 years ago. And just as that vision led to a system of highways that was the envy of the world and an economic engine for America, the nation may soon embark on an ambitious plan that will lead to a network of high-speed rail corridors. Investing in environmentally friendly and energy-efficient highspeedrail projects will: * Support and create highly skilled jobs in the transportation industry and revitalize domestic industries supplying transportation products andservices. *Upgrade passenger and freight operations on newly revitalized tracks, bridges and rights of way, spurring business productivity along all corridors. * Provide hundreds of thousands of forward-looking, greencollar jobs. * Reduce the nation’s dependency onforeignoil while keeping billionsofdollars in the U.S. economy; decrease greenhouse gas emissions; help meetnational and international climate change goals; and improveair quality. Reduce congestion, improve Experts say investing in new high-speed rail projects will support and create new jobs and reduce this nation’s dependence on foreign oil. connectivity and provide more travelchoices. At a town hall meeting in ‘Yampa, Fla., on Jan. 28, 2010, President Obama announced more than $8 billion in grants for highspeed rail—a follow-up to the State of the Union address that focused on getting Americans back to work. Thirteen passengerrail corridors in 31 states will receive grants, which are funded by the economic recovery act enacted last year. High-speed rail will not only increase mobility options while decreasing travel betweencities, but it will also put thousands of Americansback to work. For more information on the proposed high-speed rail legislation or to contact your member of Congress, visit highspeedrailon line.orgorcall (202) 496-4800.